
My books are practical, and insight-heavy. No fluff, and all ready for you to apply.

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Want to discover how to release healing through words for self-healing or healing the sick? This how-to-pray book will show you how to unlock God’s creative power to change your life and others.

Imagine what it would be like to pray for healing, miracles, and wonders and see them happen right in front of you. Accessing healing miracles always seemed reserved for those in the ministry of healing. Or endowed with unique spiritual gifts. After all, you’ve prayed, rebuked, and claimed, but still, nothing changes, that is, until now . . .

In this results-tested supernatural non-fiction book, author, Andrew Nkoyoyo will:

  • Show you the keys and steps for effective self-healing prayer through the Holy Spirit, and how to surrender to God.
  • Show you proven ways for prayers that avail much for healing through holy communion, faith, and obedience to God.
  • Reveal to you the simple yet proven Kingdom keys, secrets, and methods to unlock God’s power for healing, miracles, signs, and wonders.
  • Guide you step by step on how to apply each key so you can access heaven and unleash the Holy Spirit – the miracle worker in you to manifest the miraculous.
  • Interweave powerful supernatural testimonies from his life, and ministry to prove each key.
  • Show you how to hear the voice of God and understand it so that you can be victorious.
  • And so much more…

Can You Work The Works of God Today? Do you want to discover how to do the works of God?

When God’s power fell in the upper room in the Book of Acts, most of those in attendance didn’t have an official ministry. Yet they grabbed hold of it and walked in the ministry of miracles. God is calling out to you today, desiring that you too grab hold of that same power. No matter your role, title, job, and position to fulfill the calling in your life.

  • A woman riddled with AIDS lies on her deathbed. Andrew prayed for her, and instant healing happened. She sat up touched by God and transformed by His divine power. This act caused the doctors, nurses, and patients in the hospital to turn their lives over to God.
  • A woman blind from birth healed before an angry crowd who was ready to stone Andrew. Witnessing this miracle instead caused this same crowd to fall on their knees and repent.

And these are only two of the proven testimonies told in this updated new spiritual book edition.

Within these pages, author, Andrew Nkoyoyo answers the age-long question, “What must we do to do the work s of God?”

He speaks from more than thirty years of fulfilling a miracle ministry around the world. He shares experiences of God’s supernatural power in his life and in ministry.

You will learn:

  • How to receive power to move in the supernatural of God to manifest miracles, signs, and wonders.
  • How to take hold of the kingdom keys to unlock prosperity through God’s Word in every area of your life.
  • How to achieve success through God’s Word in all you do.
  • How to activate your faith by standing on God’s Word to experience God’s promises for your life.
  • How to activate the Holy Spirit within you, prepared to use his power.
  • The results of a heart transformed by heaven through love and obedience to God.
  • The reliable ways to show God’s power and make disciples in power for Jesus.
  • And so much more…

God is calling you to the next level of his glory. Answer it, and get ready to be a change maker, not only in your church but in the world!

Start To Do The Works of God Today by Clicking the “Buy Now” Button at the Top of the Page.

What Leaders Are Saying

“Dr. Nkoyoyo exposes the lies and accusations of the devil against God’s saints. He presents the biblical truth that makes us free to be the man or woman God has called us to be. It is now time for all the saints and ministers to receive their inheritance… by working the works of God.” Dr. Bill Hamon, Bishop of Christian International Ministries Network (CIMN), Author of Day of the Saints, and eight other books.


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